
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Prayer - Jesus Teaches Us To Pray

Circle Time

            Opening prayer
            Hello song.

Introduction to Bible Lesson
Jesus teaches that we can show love to God in many different ways. Some of the ways that we can show love to God is by praying, obeying God's Word, believing in God, sharing God's Word with others, and showing God's love to others.

Today we are going to talk about prayer. Does anyone know what prayer is? Prayer is talking to God, thanking him, asking him things and talking to him about things. Much like talking to your own parents or grandparents. It is similar to talking on the phone. Even though you can't see God, he is there listening and talking to us.
Jesus tells us a lot about prayer and talking to God. Everything we need to know is found in the Bible.
Bible Lesson
 In Matthew 6:5-15 Jesus talks to us about prayer.

The first thing that Jesus tells us about prayer is that we should not show off when we pray. He says to go find a quiet place to pray to God.

The second thing that Jesus says is not to use meaningless words when we pray. Jesus says that God wants us to pray to him using simple, meaningful words because God knows what you need before you ask him.

Then Jesus told us how to pray. You may not understand the Lord's prayer when you first hear it or say it, but we are going to go through it and I will try to explain what each part means.

Our Father which art in heaven - this means that we are praying to our father in heaven. It reminds us that we are praying to God and it reminds us that we are not alone. God is our loving father and we are his special children.

Hallowed be thy name. - means that God's name is holy. We need to treat him special because he is God. We also need to be respectful to him when we pray. We show respect by folding our hands, bowing our heads and closing our eyes.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. - This part of the prayer means that we are praying for heaven to come so that there will be peace and love on earth like there is right now in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread. - means that we ask God to give us everything we need to live - food, water, clothing, and shelter. We don't need a toy or lots of money, but we do need food and water to live.

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. - this is the part of the prayer where we ask God to forgive us for hurting others. (Asking for forgiveness means that we are sorry and do not want to do the mistake again.) The second part to this is that we have to forgive others who have hurt us. If we don't forgive others who hurt us, Jesus says that God can't forgive us. God will only forgive us in the same way that we forgive others.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil - sometimes it seems like it is more fun to do something else rather than to obey. This is called temptation. In this part of the prayer, we are asking God to help us do the right things.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever - The last part of the prayer means that we know the Earth and Heaven is God's and that God has all the power and the glory over them for ever.

Amen - closes the prayer. It means "Truly, Indeed, I agree."

Bible Crafts
Prayer mat

Materials (per each student)
1 solid color cloth place mat (preferably in light color) with the words "(child's name) Prayer Mat" written on it in black.
fabric paint, tempera paint or permanent markers

Have the child decorate the prayer mat as desired. Once it is completed and dry, recommend that the child place it by his/her bed to remind them to kneel down and pray a prayer to God when they first wake up and before they go to bed.

Snack Time

Circle Time
            Song 1 –
            Song 2 –

God Is Special To Me Activity
Introduction to activity book. 
This is an activity book that we will be doing throughout the year. It will remind us of what we can do to show love to God every day.
page 1 -  finish the title page of the booklet. 
page 2  - draw a picture to go along with a simple prayer that you can pray with the class every time you meet. Put this prayer in their book.

 Closing prayer

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Year 2 Theme: Showing My Love To God

First off, I would like to thank you for your prayers and support. After taking a year off to deal with various issues in both my own personal and family life, I am able to bring you another year of Bible programming for preschool age children.

 After much thought and prayer, this years theme is Showing God I Love Him

During the course of the year we will be studying the Bible topics of prayer, faith, obeying God's word, sharing God's word with others and showing God's love to others. We be learning how to apply this into everything we do as loving God is not a "Sunday Only" thing.

We will be learning about people of from the Bible such as David, Hannah, Joshua, Philip, Joseph, Tabitha and Elijah. We will be learning about Jesus in the wilderness, teaching about prayer and faith, and several of His parables and what they mean.

Come and join us in our fun. I will try to post the online curriculum every Monday morning.

For now, please enjoy this year's theme song

Monday, January 30, 2012

Gods Great love For Us - Summed Up

Circle Time
            Opening prayer

            Hello song.

Introduction to Bible Lesson

                        We have learned a lot over the past year. Today will be our review of what we have learned this past year.

Bible Lesson

1.      God chose us as his special people. Before he created the world, he knew that he was going to create people. So he created a very special world for us here on earth.

The Book of Genesis tells us that at the start of the world, there was only darkness, water and wind. God took seven days to create our special world. On day 1 He created light (so that we can see the world around us.) On day 2 He created sky (air so that we can breath). Day 3 He created land, trees, grass, flowers, vegetables, fruits, grains and other plants (so that we can live and eat). Day 4 he created the sun, moon and stars (so that we can tell day from night). Day 5 He created fish and birds. Day 6 He created animals (for companionship) and then the world was ready and He created us.

2.      God loved us so much that he sent his son to the world to live with us and to save us from our sins.

After Adam and Eve (the first man and woman) sinned, the world was lost and forgot about God. But God did not give up on us. He loved us so much that he sent his son Jesus to us. Jesus taught us about God’s love and then he gave his life for us by dying on the cross and taking the sin of the world with him.

In the Book of Matthew it says that Jesus stands at the door to our hearts and knocks. We need to ask him to come into our lives and fill every room in our heart.  We need to believe in Jesus. We need to believe that he died on the cross for our sins and that he rose again. Then we need to ask Jesus into our heart to forgive us for the bad things that we do. Once we ask Jesus into our hearts, we become God’s children. God becomes our Father, our Dad. And like our Dad’s here on earth, God wants us to talk to him, listen to him, and obey him.

3.      In the Book of Ephesians the Bible tells us that God adopted us as his children through Jesus Christ. Once we ask Jesus into our hearts and become a child of God, God gives us gifts just because he loves us. The main gift that he gives us is his Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit brings you more gifts too. With God, it is like it is your birthday every day. God gives you the daily gifts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These gifts allow us to live a very rich and happy life. We will never feel alone or lonely because God is always with us.

4.      When we die, that will not be the end of us. Because we are God’s children, we will get to go to heaven. When Jesus ascended into heaven, he told his disciples that he was going to prepare a place for us. A mansion for each one of us in Heaven.

In the Book of Revelations we are told what heaven looks like: The mansions, really big houses, are made of pure gold. City walls are made of precious stones such as jasper, sapphire, emerald, and carnelian. Gates are made from pearls and streets are made of pure gold that looks like glass. There is a river that runs through the middle of the tree of life. There will be no need for sun or lamps because God will give us light. There will be no tears, no sickness, no dying.

We are so blessed to be God’s special people. And for all this, we should praise and worship him and follow the little that he asks us to do.


1.      Kings Kid’s Crown

Materials: crown, rhinestones, glitter glue

Children make their special crowns to remind them that they are truly the King’s kids.

Snack Time

Circle Time

            Song 1 – Theme song “God Made Me Special”

            Song 2 – God made me