Circle Time
Virtue to work on: Using our talents to help others.
Opening prayer
Hello song.
Introduction to Bible Lesson
Each one of us is very special to God. We heard all about this wonderful world God created for us – Earth. We also heard about God’s wonderful gift he gave us – Jesus. Now we are going to learn about the wonderful love God has for us. We will start with stories from Genesis, the first book of the Bible and we will finish with a story from Revelations, the last book of the Bible. All of these stories will be teaching us about the love God has for each one of us.
Our first story begins in the book of Genesis after Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden of Eden because of they chose to disobey God.
Bible Lesson
The first book of the Bible, Genesis tells us that about 1500 years after God made Adam and Eve, the world was full of people. But the people had forgotten about God. They did bad things and made God very disappointed. In Genesis chapter 6 it says that God was very sorry that he had made people on the earth and it made him very, very sad because he loved people. But he had to stop all the wickedness – all the evil in the world. God decided that he would get rid from the earth people, animals, creeping things and birds of the air because he was sorry that he created them. But God was very, very happy with the one man that remembered him. Out of all of the people in the whole world, only one person remembered that God had made everything for people because he loved people. This man’s name was Noah.
Noah was a good and kind man and father to 3 boys. Noah loved God and remembered the stories that his father and grandfather had told him about God and God’s love. Noah remembered to thank God every day. He also taught his children about God and they grew up knowing that God loved them. Everyone in Noah’s family prayed and worshipped and thanked God.
God told Noah that he was going to send a flood to cover the whole earth because the whole earth was at war and it was evil. He told Noah to build a great big boat because he would be covering the whole earth with water. Noah was only a farmer but God gave him the skills and instructions on how to build this big boat called an ark. God also promised Noah that his wife, his sons, and his sons’ wives would be saved. And two of every animal and 7 of every kind of bird would also be saved. He also told Noah to get his family to gather every kind of food that was eaten and store it up for all of them. Noah did everything that God told him to.
Genesis 7 says that when the Ark was finally done and God sent all of the animals to come to Noah. It took seven days for all the animals and birds to come. Then drip, drip, drop. It started to rain. God shut the door of the ark once the animals and Noah’s family were safe inside. It rained heavily for forty days and nights. The waters rose and the ark started to float. It floated on the waters high above all of the trees and then even above the highest mountain. Only Noah everything with him in the ark was safe.
Genesis 8 tells us that or 150 days, half a year, the wind blew and the water started to go down. Finally the ark rested on top of a mountain. Then God told Noah that it was safe to go out and he opened the door of the ark. All the animals and Noah’s family left the ark.
Genesis 9 tells us that the first thing Noah did was to thank God. This pleased God and God promised to Noah that never again would he send a flood to cover the whole earth to destroy it. God placed a rainbow in the sky so he would never forget his promise.
This is such a wonderful promise because it is a promise of God’s love for all people and all creation. Just like his love for Noah, God has a very special love for each one of us. God’s love is all around and every time we see a rainbow, we can see God’s great love for us.
1. Noah’s Ark Sticker Scene
Materials: Noah’s ark stickers, background sheet
Have children put stickers onto background and make their own noah’s ark scene.
Snack Time
Circle Time
Song 1 – Theme song “God Made Me Special”
Song 2 – God made me
Book “I can do it by myself”
God Made Me Special Activities
Everyone can do special things with special abilities that God has given us. Some people can sing, some people can play sports, some people can make crafts, some people can play musical instruments. God gave us these abilities. Today, I want us all to take a turn to show and tell something that we can do.
(Each person gets a chance to talk)
Next time we come to class, we are going to do something a little special. I would like for each of you to show us something you have made or show us something you can do. Take some time and talk it over with your parents. Next week we will have show and tell.
Closing prayer
Virtue to work on: Using our talents to help others.
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